Необычные растения        03.03.2020   

Проекты об уральских камнях в детском саду. Проект "Не просто камень" проект по окружающему миру (2 класс) на тему. Познавательный проект «Мир камней»

  • Television
  • Tabloids
  • Internet
  • Newspapers , Magazines
  • Radio

  • Globalization is linked to English being a “lingua franca”.
  • English is international language in communications, science, business, aviation, entertainment, radio and diplomacy.
  • English is spoken by almost half of the population in the world.

  • The influence of the English language is growing in Russia too. It is used in many fields of social and scientific life, culture and economics.
  • And the problem of a great impact of the English language, and the English and American culture on the Russian culture is growing.

  • One can see the English signs almost everywhere; it is fashionable to name the shops, and firms by the English words.
  • A lot of things (clothes, footwear, kids’ toys. copy-books, bags…) have signs on the English language.

  • It is important to study the process of borrowing the English words, and make a conclusion, if it is dangerous for the Russian language.
  • It is necessary to study the recent changes in the Russian language, connected with the English loan words.
  • It is vital to estimate the process of Globalization, and its influence on the Russian language.

  • Globalization is the rapid increase in cross-border economic, social, technological exchange under conditions of capitalism .
  • Influences all spheres of our life: culture, business, trade, politics, environment and even our mentality.
  • Globalization is linked to English being a lingua franca.
  • The use of English as a global language is an important trend in world communication.

English is becoming the world language, because

  • It’s the first foreign language studied at all the educational institutions of Europe and in the world. A lot of terminology words are borrowed from the English language. The English words substitute the native terms.
  • It’s the first foreign language studied at all the educational institutions of Europe and in the world.
  • A lot of terminology words are borrowed from the English language.
  • The English words substitute the native terms.

The factors, influencing the intensive borrowing process of the English words

  • Intensive information streams;
  • Appearing and developing the Global computer net(The Internet);
  • Developing international relation;
  • Developing of the world trade market/ economics/ information technologies;
  • Participating in the fashion shows, international festivals, Olympic games

Types of borrowed words:

  • Loan words proper;
  • Loan translation;
  • Calques;
  • Hybrids;
  • Exotic words;
  • Composite words;
  • Jargon words;
  • Foreign interjections.

The Influence of Mass Media on the Process of borrowing the English words

  • The appearing of the large number of the English loan words in the Russian language can be explained by the rapid changes in Russia’s social and scientific life.
  • Mass Media play an important role as a source of new information, and new loan words.

The Mass Media having the most impact of the problem of English word borrowings in the Russian language.

  • Television.
  • Cinema.
  • Internet
  • Newspapers. Magazines
  • Radio

The loan-words from the newspapers and magazines can be divided into following groups:

  • Using the English borrowings , which are already the part of the Russian language:

(Situation, center, goal).

  • Using the English loan-words that have additional meaning:

(colour, respondent, comfort.)

  • The words, denoting absolutely new notion s: chat. (Blockbuster. Internet.)
  • Using mixed word-combinations (Russian-English):

(SMS новости, SPA- Отдых, Stop кадр, Sarma- лимон, Прелесть professional Fashion- экстрим.)

  • Using the Latin words in writing the specifically Russian words :

(Наша Kasha)

The English borrowings in the Internet Comedy “Hottabych”.

  • loan words proper – раритет, фотография, анонимность, секрет.
  • Hybrids -” гамать ” .
  • С omputer terms -программа, Интернет, компьютер,форум, сервер, монитор,системный блок, файл.
  • Composite words - офф-лайн, он-лайн, интернет- аукцион, робот-программа.
  • Jargon words - баксы(доллары), табло(лицо), ламер(некомпетентный человек).
  • Jargon computer words - комп, сервак(сервер), винда(Windows),
  • Foreign interjections: wow, Ok, yes.

Словарь жаргонизмов геймеров.

  • «Геймер»- “ gamer ”-игрок
  • «Гамовер»- “ game over ”-конец игры
  • «Левелап»- “ level up ”-переход на выше уровень.
  • «Гамиться»- “ to game ”-играть
  • «Гамес»- “ games ”-игры
  • «Лузер»- “ loser ”-проигравший
  • «Бонус»- “ bonus ”-подарок
  • «Бот»- “ bot ”-компьютерная модель-соперник
  • «Вин»- “ to win ”-победить
  • «Лост»- “lost”- проигрыш
  • «Сэйваться»- “ to save”- сохраняться

The English loan words in everyday life of people.

  • The English language has penetrated into the life of the ordinary people because of its universality, and because of being fashionable
  • Most of the producers of clothes , furniture, cars, electronic equipment use only The English language. And there are a lot of signs in the English language can be seen everywhere.

The groups of the names of the shops, firms, institutions of the city of Barnaul, and the village of Smolenskoye.

  • Using the English words written in Russian: Манхэттен (пицца), Максима - фитнесс - центр Хаус (клуб) Гипермаркет, Билайн Норд - Вест, Страйк - боулинг клуб, Хелми, Компьютер - трейд;
  • Using the English words: Vigoss (clothes department), Coffee, please!-(coffee shop ) Cofee boom-(coffee shop)

Extra(clothes shop), Royal(casino) Boss(furniture department);

  • Using mixed word-combinations: City- центр;
  • Usage of the Latin Alphabet for writing the Specific Russian words: Multik(clothes shop), Mazayka(night club).

  • 56 schoolchildren were asked some questions about the importance of the English language in their life.
  • The opinion poll about the role of the English language in the life of schoolchildren shows
  • 69 % pupils study English as it will be necessary for their future work.
  • 37 % pupils study English, as they need it in their everyday life.
  • 63% pupils use English in everyday life.
  • 57% pupils learn new words from The Internet.
  • 48% pupils learn new words while watching TV.
  • 100 % pupils have English words on their personal things (clothes, copy- books. Bags, record- books..)

  • 4. Do you have any personal things with some English words on

(schoolbags, copy-books, clothes, etc…)

The results of the opinion poll:

  • Most of the pupils understand the importance of the English language for their career, and their ordinary life.
  • Most of the pupils use it in their everyday life,

The performed work helps to understand the process of globalization in the sphere of linguistics, and culture, the positive effects of Globalization:

The possibility to meet new people;

  • To learn other cultures;
  • to be able to work in any place of the Earth.

The negative effects are

  • the opportunity to lose the national language values;
  • to forget about the native historyin order to follow the western values

  • The language is self- cleaning system , and all the extra borrowed words will disappear after some time, as the history of the language tells.
  • But it is necessary not to follow the western fashion blindly, and to use the English borrowed words, when it is necessary.


  • Television;
  • Newspapers and tabloids;
  • The Internet;
  • Radio;
  • Magazines.
The functions of Mass Media:
  • The press, the radio and TV play an important role in the life of society.
  • Inform
  • Educate
  • Entertain
  • Change views
  • Shapes opinion
  • Influence
From the History of Mass Media
  • Thousand of years ago, men could send messages over a long distance. They used the light of fires at night and the smoke of fires by day. They used the loud sound of drums to send messages across the great forests of Africa. In central Africa for communication between tribes used drums tam-tam.
  • In the past the only way to learn about the world was travelling. The first travellers were explorers who wanted to discover new lands. Nowadays, millions of people travel around the world either for pleasure or on business. Travelling has always been a part of people’s education. It teaches people about the art and culture of different countries. It teaches them to be understanding. Besides, you can improve your knowledge of foreign languages.
  • Modern electronic television was born in St.Petersburg. It was the project by Boris Rosing– the tutor of Technology
  • Institute.
  • In 1907 he designed the patent application in Russia, Germany and Britain for the invention of television, and May 9, 1911 demonstrated the image on the screen of a kinescope. TVs began to appear in overseas exhibitions and in the shops at the beginning of 30-ies.
  • And now it is almost impossible to imagine our life without TV. It plays a great and a very important role in the life of a modern man. There is practically no family that doesn’t have a TV set. TV is one of the kinds of mass media. Radio and newspapers tell us about different events but TV not only tells but also shows. TV has a lot of channels and everybody can watch the programs he likes.
  • Talk show
  • Game show
  • About animals of foreign countries
  • Detective volleyball
  • Melodrama swimming
  • Comedy track and field athletics
  • Adventure gymnastics
  • Fantasy.
  • Films:
  • Sporting events:
  • “ «Popular papers», known as «tabloids», have a more sensational reporting style and contain more human interest stories than news. The two most popular British daily newspapers, The Sun and The Daily Mirror, are both tabloids. Tabloids sell many more copies than broadsheets.
  • Newspapers are packed with the latest news, information, fashion and facts. They contain a variety of political views, interests and levels of education. Papers are generally divided into “quality papers”, or broadsheets, and “popular papers” that are half the size of broadsheets. But the size is not the only thing that makes them different. “Quality papers” are serious, with long, informative articles.
  • A magazine a periodical publication containing a variety of articles, generally financed by advertising and/or purchase by readers.
  • Magazines are typically published weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimothly, or quarterly. They are often printed in colour on coated paper, and are bound with a soft cover. Magazines fall into two broad categories: consumer magazines and business magazines.
  • Magazines can be classified as:
  • General interest magazines (e.g. Frontline, India Today, The Week, The Sunday Indian etc)
  • Special interest magazines (women"s, sports, business, scuba diving, etc)
  • Internet – a worldwide local and global computer network. Internet today links millions of computers, they are used by the hundred million people.
  • These days people cannot imagine the world without Net. They use it at their work, for fun and communication.
  • Events
  • December 1901
  • The first radio message across the Atlantic Ocean from England to Newfoundland.
  • The radio got its voice on Christmas Eve.
  • 1904 – 1914
  • The radio became standard equipment on ships.
  • November 2, 1920
  • The first commercial radio station went on the air in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
  • The superhetrodyne radio was invented.
  • 1920 – 1940
  • «The Golden Age of Radio»
  • Radio became compact due the transistor.
Popularity Of Mass Media

Mass Media. What’s the news? b y Buntova S nezhana

We will know more about Mass Media

The mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspaper, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views.


Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes report the events objectively, but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with reliable information. It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren’t interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles about natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn’t usually make headlines. Bad news does.

Some people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people’s private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is – should this be allowed?

The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that’s an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it’s much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers.

Still, many people prefer the radio. It’s good to listen to in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house .

Newspapers don’t react to events as quickly as TV, but they usually provide us with extra detail, comment and background information.

NEWSPAPERS IN BRITAIN QUILITY PRESS THE TIMES THE INDEPENDENT THE GUARDIAN THE DAILY TELEGRAPH POPULAR PRESS THE DAILY MAIL THE DAILY MIRROR THE DAILY EXPRESS THE SUN THE DAILY STAR Popular newspapers (known as « tabloids ») carry a lot of big photographs, contain short, simple reports on the main news, stories about famous people. Quality newspapers (known as « heavies ») contain a lot of serious articles, e.g. about politics, business, science, cultural news.

WHAT’S IN THE PAPERS? Bomb suspected in Russian crash At least 39 people were killed and nearly 100 injured when a Russian express train came off the rails last night in what is being investigated as a bomb attack . Johnson condemns hacker to Xmas in a US jail by Paddy McGuffin Computer hacker Gary McKinnon is facing Christmas in a US jail after the Home Secretary refused to block his extradition.

The Internet has recently become another important source of information. Its main advantage is that news appears on the screen as soon as things happen in real life and you don’t have to wait for news time on TV .

THE INTERNET The Internet is an extremely useful tool that has become an important part of our lives in the last few years MAKE NEW FRIENDS GET INFORMATION MUCH EASIER FIND A JOB COMMUNICATION shopping studying My favourite sites: http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/ http://www.kinopoisk.ru/ http://mail.ru / http://vkontakte.ru /

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The mass media play an important part in our lives. Newspaper, radio and especially TV inform us of what is going on in this world and give us wonderful possibilities for education and entertainment. They also influence the way we see the world and shape our views.

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Of course, not all newspapers and TV programmes repot the events objectively, but serious journalists and TV reporters try to be fair and provide us with realiable information. It is true that the world today is full of dramatic events and most news seems to be bad news. But people aren’t interested in ordinary events. That is why there are so many programmes and articles natural disasters, plane crashes, wars, murders and robberies. Good news doesn’t usually make headlines. Bad news does.

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Some people say that journalists are given too much freedom. They often intrude on people’s private lives. They follow celebrities and print sensational stories about them which are untrue or half-true. They take photos of them in their most intimate moments. The question is – should this be allowed?

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The main source of news for millions of people is television. People like TV news because they can see everything with their own eyes. And that’s an important advantage. Seeing, as we know, is believing. Besides, it’s much more difficult for politicians to lie in front of the cameras than on the pages of newspapers.

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Still, many people prefer the radio. It’s good to listen to in the car, or in the open air, or when you do something about the house.

The Project Mass Media

made by : Vyhodtseva Olga

and Alimhanova Rashiya.

Form 8 A

Secondary School №59

The English Teacher Koptelova

Antra Laimonovna.

Television ;

Newspapers and tabloids ;

The Internet ;

Radio ;


The functions of Mass Media:

  • The press, the radio and TV play an important role in the life of society.

From the History of Mass Media

Thousand of years ago, men could send messages over a long distance. They used the light of fires at night and the smoke of fires by day. They used the loud sound of drums to send messages across the great forests of Africa. In central Africa for communication between tribes used drums tam-tam.

In the past the only way to learn about the world was travelling. The first travellers were explorers who wanted to discover new lands. Nowadays, millions of people travel around the world either for pleasure or on business. Travelling has always been a part of people’s education. It teaches people about the art and culture of different countries. It teaches them to be understanding. Besides, you can improve your knowledge of foreign languages.

Modern electronic television was born in St.Petersburg. It was the project by Boris Rosing– the tutor of Technology

In 1907 he designed the patent application in Russia, Germany and Britain for the invention of television, and May 9, 1911 demonstrated the image on the screen of a kinescope. TVs began to appear in overseas exhibitions and in the shops at the beginning of 30-ies.

And now it is almost impossible to imagine our life without TV. It plays a great and a very important role in the life of a modern man. There is practically no family that doesn’t have a TV set. TV is one of the kinds of mass media. Radio and newspapers tell us about different events but TV not only tells but also shows. TV has a lot of channels and everybody can watch the programs he likes.

  • Talk show
  • Game show
  • About animals of foreign countries
  • Detective volleyball
  • Melodrama swimming
  • Comedy track and field athletics
  • Adventure gymnastics
  • Fantasy.

Sporting events:


Newspapers are packed with the latest news, information, fashion and facts. They contain a variety of political views, interests and levels of education. Papers are generally divided into “quality papers”, or broadsheets, and “popular papers” that are half the size of broadsheets. But the size is not the only thing that makes them different. “Quality papers” are serious, with long, informative articles.

« Popular papers » , known as « tabloids » , have a more sensational reporting style and contain more human interest stories than news. The two most popular British daily newspapers, The Sun and The Daily Mirror, are both tabloids. Tabloids sell many more copies than broadsheets .

A magazine a periodical publication containing a variety of articles, generally financed by advertising and/or purchase by readers.

Magazines are typically published weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimothly, or quarterly. They are often printed in colour on coated paper, and are bound with a soft cover. Magazines fall into two broad categories: consumer magazines and business magazines.

Magazines can be classified as:

  • General interest magazines (e.g. Frontlin e , India Today, The Week, The Sunday Indian etc)
  • Special interest magazines (women"s, sports, business, scuba diving, etc)

Internet – a worldwide local and global computer network. Internet today links millions of computers, they are used by the hundred million people.

These days people cannot imagine the world without Net. They use it at their work, for fun and communication.

The first radio message across the Atlantic Ocean from England to Newfoundland.

The radio got its voice on Christmas Eve.

The radio became standard equipment on ships.

November 2, 1920

The first commercial radio station went on the air in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The superhetrodyne radio was invented.

« The Golden Age of Radio »

Radio became compact due the transistor.